The GOOD and the BAD
The good news is that we are opening tomorrow and our snow coverage is still 8-12”. Adult day ticket will be $45.
The bad news is that neither Poma will run this weekend. We are going to continue to work on the electrical challenges with safety gates that are preventing lift certifications. Our intent is to get both certified and open before we lose all our snow. God is still laughing, we are determined.
We are still looking for any wandering, guest ski patrollers for coverage this weekend and beyond. As an alternative, anyone who is certified in basic first aid and CPR, we encourage you to let us know if you could help us out for a day or two, no need to be a skier. Pay, free ski ticket, and lunch on us.
We know many of you have planned to experience Hickory for the first time and others are returning to The Legend. Hickory is as much about the gathering of like minded adventurers and social connections, but if it’s the thrill of the Pomas you are seeking, check back next week on progress reports.
If you have registered through the IndyPass portal, there is no need to cancel your reservation. This is internal and your ticket usage isn’t counted until you receive your day pass on-site.
We acknowledge that you may be disappointed, no more so than we are. All we can do is keep plugging away and hope that our struggles this year bode well for seasons to come.