And so it goes

And so it goes

I could write a book about the challenges over the past week, but I'll spare you.

Our lift inspections are scheduled within the next several days and while late, we will have the certifications we need to spin the lifts soon.  The actual opening date is yet to be determined and rests on acquiring additional lift attendants and ski patrol commitments for coverage, and the removal of a big tree hanging on poma 2 cable threating the communication wiring and unseating cable.

Having missed early season and Presidents' Day holidays, our revised goal is to add at least one weekday for skiing and a consistent night for sledding and tubing.  We will announce opening day on Facebook, this site and via e-mail.

The IndyPass reservation portal will open when we schedule the spinning of the lifts opening day.  Day tickets will be available for purchase on-site.  Adults $70, $35 for any 4 hour block.   17 and under ski free.  70+ $40 day ticket.

On the positive side, skinners have been in heaven and are still swarming our 700 +/- acres of terrain.  Lots of powder and more snow expected.  Still space in the parking lot for back country adventurers and slope sliders.

 The second showing of Reviving the Legend is on February 28, 7PM as part of a double header with a ski adventure film.  Tannery Pond, North Creek.  You can purchase tickets on their website.  There will also be an opportunity to meet and greet the film makers.435 for 

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